Communicating policies and procedures at work

Comments by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) earlier this week, together with large fines, show the importance of ensuring organisational policies and procedures are fully integrated into day to day working practices. Croydon Council was fined...

Prevent allegations of bullying at work

The pressure is on in today’s workplace, and the working environment can be intense and stressful – worries over job security; budget cuts; redundancies; increased workloads; competing with colleagues for the same job in a shrinking workforce and watching...

Dealing with a difficult colleague

During my work with organisations to repair the damage caused by unhealthy conflict at work, including formal grievances and allegations of “bullying”, I was struck by how many of these situations could  easily have been avoided if the matter had been...

“I’m not a manager to be popular”

A newly appointed manager recently asked me for some advice on how she should approach her new role.  Promoted to the managerial position from her peer group, she was all too aware of the challenge ahead. We decided to explore some real life comments: “I’m not a...
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